Dr. David M. Eller, Past President
The West Virginia Dental Association
The West Virginia Dental Association is dentistry’s advocate in the West Virginia Legislature and Untied States Congress, lobbying legislators to pass laws of interest to the dental profession and dental care. WVDA also advocates for the profession before various state government agencies. The Executive Council is the policy-making body of the Association, establishing policy for its members to support and enforce.

Dr. David M. Eller of Huntington was honoered as the 111th President of the West Virginia Dental Association during the 2018 Semiannual Session installation services, January 22, at the Charleston Marriott Hotel. He previously served as President Elect and Vice President, after several years of service on the Executive Council representing the Huntington Dental Society.
“I am honored to have served as the 111th President of WVDA. Being a member of organized dentistry has been a rewarding experience for me. I have made many new friends and developed professional relationships with dentists throughout our country while serving in various offices. I am very appreciative of the support and confidence you have given me to serve you last year. Thank you for your advice on issues we faced during my service.
Our Annual Session at The Greenbrier in July was an outstanding event. Many dentists expressed their pleasure with the education programs, scientific and commercial exhibits and social events. Dr. Daniel Becker and Dr. Mitchell Gardiner presented excellent scientific programs, which drew more than 170 dentists, dental hygienists, assistants and dental students in the Eisenhower Room.
We can be proud to have had such distinguished speakers as Dr. Gary Roberts, President of the ADA; Dr. Roy Thompson, Sixth District Trustee to the ADA; Gordon Gee, President of West Virginia University; Gayle Manchin, WV Secretary of the Arts and Sciences; U. S. Senator Joe Manchin; and Dr. Tom Borgia, Dean of WVU School of Dentistry.
We witnessed the greatest number of commercial exhibitors in several years who demonstrated some of today’s most modern equipment and materials for dental practices. The exhibitors hosted a luncheon for dentists and their staff which was well-attended and enjoyed by everyone.
The semiannual session in January at the Marriott in Charleston was also very successful and included topics and speakers that were of interest to various dental professionals. Thank you for making it the most well attended semiannual session in history.
I was pleased to install the following 2018 officers at the Marriott on January 20: Dr. Christopher Smith, President; Dr. Brett Eckley, President Elect; Dr. Douglas Robertson, Vice President; Dr. Philip Majestro, Secretary; Dr. Eleisha Nickoles, Treasurer; and Dr. Michael Medovic, ADA Delegate.
I want our association to grow with new members and continue to improve on services we offer. We need to continue our political activities at our capitol in Charleston as well as in Washington, D.C. Finally, we must be mindful of the need to improve our professional skills so we can provide the best of services and care to our patients."
David M. Eller, DDS